There are currently 207 total Hides available for the Obsidian Chimeras. They are defined in sections called "Tiers" with each tier being progrssively more difficult to obtain. The hides are as follows:
Tier One-
Cheetah Pelt: The natural cheetah hide.
Wolf Pelt: The natural wolf hide.
Bear Pelt: The natural bear hide.
Fox Pelt: The natural fox hide.
Yellow Jacket: This hide is a darker yellow color.
Verdant: This hide is a green color.
Peaches N Cream: A pale pink hide.
Sunrise: A bright orange hide.
Giftwrapped 2020: Wrapped in gift paper. (SE)
Kangaroo Hide: The natural hide of the Kangaroo.
Giftwrapped 2021: Wrapped in gift paper. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2022 (brown): A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2022 (red): A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2022 (blue): A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2022 (green): A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2022 (purple): A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Acid: A hide that melts through you.
Giftwrapped 2023: A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped 2024: A Giftwrapped chimera hide. (SE)
Tier Two-
Snake Scales: A hide resulting from snake transmutation.
Turtle Skin: A hide resulting from turtle transmutation.
Bat Fur: A hide resulting from bat transmutation.
Ram Wool: A hide resulting from ram transmutation.
Raccoon Hide: A hide resulting from raccoon transmutation.
Eagle Feathers: A hide resulting from eagle transmutation.
Harlequin Rabbit: A hide resulting from harlequin rabbit transmutation.
Wisteria: A demon's least favorite.
Echidna Skin: Skin of a wild ant eating hedgehog like creature from down under.
Tier Three-
Cobalt: This hide is a blue color.
Tyrian: This hide is a purple color.
Sinopia: This hide is a pink color.
Hydro: Lighter blue designed hide.
Frost: A white and blue highlight hide. (SE)
Giftwrapped: Wrapped in gift paper. (SE)
Phoenix Fire: Covered in fire feathers (Bloom)
Seafoam: pale green hide. (Bloom)
Jingle Bell: A brass colored hide with white underbelly.
Bronze: A brass colored hide with white underbelly. (SE)
Polaris: winter star themed hide (SE)
Rosewood: Wooden hide with roses. (Bloom)
Skeleton: A skeleton Hide
Ghoul: Spooky green ghost chimeras.(Wild)
Vernal Equinox: A spring hide that comes from the blue morpho LE.
Velveteen: The hide that comes from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE
Red Velveteen: The hide that comes from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE
Blue Velveteen: The hide that comes from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE
Green Velveteen: The hide that comes from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE
Purple Velveteen: The hide that comes from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE
Moonbeam: The Descendant hide from the Kirin LE
Moon Druid: A Walk in the Woods 2023 Special Edition Druid Hide. (SE)
Strawberry: A sweet shiny red hide.
Poltergeist: A haunting red ghost-like chimera. (Wild)
Bronze Viper: The wild Bronze Viper strikes. (Wild)
Sharkskin: Skin of the Leviathan.
Changeling: The Jealousy of Oberon brought to light.
Tier Four-
Arctic: This hide is a white color.
Amaranth: This hide is a red color.
Sable: This hide is a black color.
Ashes: A grey and black hide.
Spectrum: A rainbow mixed hide (Bloom)
Candy Cane: Bright white and red colored. (SE)
Peppermint: Bright white and red colored.
Lyric: A blue music themed hide. (SE)
Apparition: Transparent ghost white (Wild)
Wraith: Complete black hide with a glow (Wild)
Short Circuit: A dark hide covered in circuit pathways.
Skunk Pelt: a skunk punk follower's hide.
Wildwood: Wooden hide with leaf spots. (Wild)
Phantasm: Ghostly blue Phantasm. (Wild)
Northern Lights: Lights from the arctic skies (SE)
Odinson: The Hide for the son of Odin, Thor.
Jotunn: The adopted son of Odin, Loki. (Wild)
Freyja: This hide is themed after the goddess Freyja. (Bloom)
Bumblebee: A hide that can pass from the Major Bombus LE.
White Dragonscale: The White Dragonscale born of the Fei Long LE.
Red Dragonscale: The Red Dragonscale born of the Fu Zang Long LE.
Amethyst: An amethyst gem fusion.
Aquamarine: An aquamarine gem fusion
Diamond: A fusion diamond hide.
Emerald: A fusion emerald hide.
Alexandrite: A fusion alexandrite hide.
Lady Guinevere: The Princess of Avalon. (Bloom)
Knight of the Round: An armored chimera hide passed down from the King Arthur LE.
Ruby: A fusion ruby hide.
Peridot: A fusion peridot hide.
Spectre: Spooky purple ghost chimeras.(Wild)
Sapphire: The sapphire fusion.
Pharaoh: The king of the Upper Kingdom birthed from the Nile Guardian.
Opal: Opal Fusion hide.
Yellow Topaz: A Yellow Topaz Fusion.
Blue Topaz: December birthstone fusion gem hide.
Garnet: January birthstone fusion gem hide.
Snow Leopard: A Snow Leopard hide. (Bloom)
Snow Imp: The Snow Imp born of the winter druid LE
Pastel Swirl: A Pastel Rainbow. (Wild)
Wood Imp: A chimera hide.
Wave Imp: A chimera hide.
Bubblegum: The most delicious pink hide.
Fallen Druid: Fallen from grace, follower of the darker path.
Ecto Wraith: Sticky blue wriath. (Wild)
Majestic Prism: Majestic winter colored hide from the gift wrapped 2023 (SE).
Qinglong: One of the three Mystic Dragons. (Wild)
Yinglong: One of the three Mystic Dragons. (Wild)
Dark Fairy: The Offspring of Chaos.
Steel Engineer: The steel engineer evolved from the iron found in the Obsidian Mountains. (Wild)
Dark Jaguar: A black hide with large spots similar to a jaguar.(WILD)
Shade: A black ghost chimera.
Aqua Rock: Pretty blue stones adorn this chimera hide. (Bloom)
Kage: The Shadow pays tribute to Vikktor McDunnough, the man behind the shadows helping to make chimeras a better place for all alchemists. (Wild)
Crystal Knight: Similar to its bloodline, the crystal knight boasts a hide covered in hard crystal.
Tier Five-
Merlot: A red hide with black and white accents.
Moonlight: A pale blue and black hide.
Black Static: Black hide with lightning on it. (Bloom)
Shiraz: A deep maroon hide (Wild)
Celestial Blue: a starry blue hide (Bloom)
Umbral Magma: Lava themed hide. (Wild)
Blood Wraith: Vengeful wriath (Wild)
Aurora Borealis: Bright lights from the arctic skies (SE)
Honey Badger: This Chimera may seem Naturally Sweet, But it does not give a Fuck.
Green Dragonscale: The Green Dragonscale born of the Bahamut LE.
Purple Dragonscale: The Purple Dragonscale born of the Tiamat LE.
Black Dragonscale: A wild born Black Dragonscale hide. (Wild)
Fen Long: The Combination of Fei Long and Fu Zang Long. (Bloom)
Toxic Wraith: Evil green wraith of the wild. (Wild)
Firebrand: Marked by the Immortal Phoenix.
Frostbrand: Marked by the Immortal Phoenix Spirit.
Winterborne: Holiday 2021 Special Edition form the giftwrapped 2021 hide. (SE)
Winter Midnight: Offspring of the winter spirit.
Red Silk: Wild Love hide for a special someone on a special day. (Wild)
Pristine Amethyst: A pristine amethyst gem fusion.
Pristine Aquamarine: A pristine aquamarine gem fusion
Flawless Diamond: A flawless fusion diamond hide.
Pristine Emerald: A Flawless fusion emerald hide.
Pristine Alexandrite: A Flawless fusion alexandrite hide.
Nimue: The Lady of the Lake. (Wild)
Pristine Ruby: A pristine fusion ruby hide.
Pristine Peridot: A pristine fusion peridot hide.
Plasma Wraith: Evil purple wraith of the wild. (Wild)
Pristine Sapphire: The Pristine sapphire fusion.
Pristine Opal: Pristine Opal Fusion hide.
Imperial Topaz: An Imperial Topaz Fusion.
Majestic Blue Topaz: December birthstone fusion gem hide.
Pristine Garnet: January birthstone fusion pristine gem hide.
Siberian: A Siberian Tiger Hide. (Wild)
Gold Leaf: A Golden Easter Chimera. (Wild)
Embla: Druidic hide of lore. (Wild)
Askr: Druidic hide of lore. (Wild)
Cerulean: Clear and bright as the sky.
Archdruid Madr: The fused combination of Askr and Embla.
Wild Majesty: Inverted Wild Special Edition (Wild).
Unmasked: The unmasked mistwalker.
Shenlong: King of the three Mystic Dragons. (Wild)
Cotton Candy Dragon: A mixed mystic dragon.(Bloom)
Crimson Dragon: A mixed mystic dragon.(Bloom)
Necro: A Necromancer thralls have this hide.
Blood Fairy: The hide of the blood fairy. (Wild)
Pewter Viper: The wild Pewter Viper strikes. (Wild)
Machina: The Hide of the descendants of the Engineer.
Fire Engineer: The wild engineer. (Wild)
Coal Engineer: The coal engineer evolved from the coal found in the Obsidian Mountains. (Wild)
Shining Wraith: A white wraith chimera.(Wild)
Candy Foil: A crazy fusion of metallic purple, blue, and gold.
Candy Lava: Autumn colored mixed hide. (Wild)
Chocolate Striped: Stripes of chocolately color. (Wild)
Hokage: The Red Fire Shadow pays tribute to Vikktor McDunnough, the man behind the shadows helping to make chimeras a better place for all alchemists. (Wild)
Southern Cross: Southern stars to guide you. (SE)
Resonating Energy: A Wild hide filled with raw energy.
Flowing Force: A Wild hide filled with flowing power.
Natural Power: A Wild hide filled with natural power.
Primal Fury: A Wild hide filled with primal power.
Crimson Vengeance: The electrifying Spirit of Vengeance. (Pat)
Ash Rock: This chimera hide shares a striking resemblance to the rare stones found mining the obsidian valley.
Calico Tiger: A striped pattern with calico cat coloring.
Snapdragon: Crazy fuscha colored stripe patterns.
Limited Editions-
Raiu: Raiu the lightning god's hide (LE)
Hawaiian: Kamehameha Lono's hide (LE)
Dullahan: Hide of the headless Dullahan (LE)
Fairy Titania: Queen of the fairy's hide (LE)
Fairy Oberon: King of the fairy's hide (LE)
Morgan le Fay: Magical enchantress's hide (LE)
Merlin: Ancient Wizard's Hide (LE)
Nemean Lion: The Nemean Lion's hide (LE)
Bahamut Scales: The Dragon God's scales (LE)
Tiamat Scales: The Dragon Goddess's scales (LE)
Kirin Pelt: Lord Kirin's pelt (LE)
Sakura Stag: Mystical Sakura Stag Pelt (LE)
Punk Skunk: The Punk Skunk's Hide (LE)
Muerta: Calavera themed Hide (LE)
Allfather: The Hide for the Sky God, Odin. (LE)
Bombus Jacket: Major Bombus bee hide. (LE)
Fu Zang Long: The Mystical Red Summer Dragon. (LE)
Fei Long: The Mystical Lost Winter Dragon. (LE)
Phoenix Rebirth: The Immortal Phoenix, reborn. (LE)
Phoenix Spirit: The Immortal Phoenix spirit. (LE).
Morozko: Spirit of winter. (LE)
Blue Morpho: The Blue Morpho Butterfly Hide (LE).
King Arthur: The King of Camelot. (LE)
Nile Guardian: The guardian of the Nile river. (LE)
Winter Druid: The Winter Spirit. (LE)
Spring Druid: The Spring Spirit. (LE)
Summer Druid: The Summer Spirit. (LE)
Fall Druid: The Harbinger of the Fall. (LE)
Mistwalker: The walker of the ancient Mist. (LE)
Chaos Faye: The Faye of Chaos. (LE)
Engineer: The Hide of the Engineer. (LE)
Leviathan: Master of the Depths, Leviathan has come. (LE)
Crystal Guardian: The Guardian of the realm of materia. It's body is covered in crystal formations often mistaken for ice. (LE)
There are currently 98 total Eyes available for the Obsidian Chimeras. They are defined in sections called "Tiers" with each tier being progrssively more difficult to obtain. The eyes are as follows:
Tier One-
Cheetah Eye: Natural Cheetah Eye
Wolf Eye: Natural Wolf Eye
Bear Eye: Natural Bear Eye
Fox Eye: Natural Fox Eye
Yellow Eye: A yellow colored natural eye
Green Eye: A green colored natural eye
New Moon: A moon themed Chimera Eye
Kangaroo Eye: Natural kangaroo eye.
Tier Two-
Snake Eye: A snake eye from transmutation
Turtle Eye: A turtle eye from transmutation
Bat Eye: A bat eye from transmutation
Ram Eye: A ram eye from transmutation
Raccoon Eye: A raccoon eye from transmutation
Eagle Eye: A eagle eye from transmutation
Rabbit Eye: A rabbit eye from transmutation
Echidna Eye: The eyes from a down under ant eating hedgehog animal thing... Australia is weird.
Tier Three-
Blue Eye: A blue colored natural eye
Purple Eye: A purple colored natural eye
Pink Eye: A pink colored natural eye
Crescent Moon: A moon themed Chimera Eye
Snowflake: The chimera eye that was released with the Frost SE
Peppermint: The eye that came with the Candy Cane SE
Treble: The eye that came with the Lyric RFL SE
Bronze: The eye that came with the Jingle Bell SE
Triskele: The eye that came with the Merlin LE
Jade Dragon: The eye that came with the Bahamut LE
Aqua Dragon: The eye that came with the Tiamat LE
Cybernetic: A cybernetic themed Chimera Eye
Button: Button eyes that come from the 2022 Giftwrapped SE.
Snowflake Pink: Snowy pink eyes of the gift giving season.(SE)
Viper Eye: The wild eyes of the Viper. (Wild)
Tier Four-
White Eye: A white colored natural eye
Red Eye: A red colored natural eye
Black Eye: A black colored natural eye
Thunder: The eye that came with the Raiu LE
Volcano: The eye that came with the Kamehameha Lono LE
Candle: The eye that came with the Dullahan LE
Full Moon: A moon themed Chimera Eye
Eclipse: An eclipse themed Chimera Eye
Fairy Opal: The eye that came with the Lady Titania LE
Deep Fairy Opal: The eye that came with the Lord Oberon LE
Enchanted: The eye that came with the Morgan la Fay LE
Blazing Sun: The eye that came with the Nemean Lion LE
North Star: The eye that came with the Polaris SE
Eye of Kirin: The eye that came with the Kirin LE
Sakura: The eye that came with the Sakura LE
Anarchy Eye: The eye that came with the Punk Skunk LE
Northern Lights: The eye that came with the northern lights SE
Forbidden Flame: A Chimera Eye Based on the Fire Element.
Crushing Abyss: A Chimera Eye Based on the Gravity Element.
Piercing Venom: A Chimera Eye Based on the Poison Element.
Shredding Thorns: A Chimera Eye Based on the Wood Element.
Luminous Absolution: A Chimera Eye Based on the Light Element.
Tornado Rush: A Chimera Eye Based on the Wind Element.
Quintessence: A Chimera Eye Based on the Void Element.
Granite Quake: A Chimera Eye Based on the Stone Element.
Yang Eye: The Eye of the lost red dragon LE.
Yin Eye: The Eye of the ancient white dragon LE.
Lunar Midnight: The eye from the Morozko LE
Jewel of Avalon: The eye of the King Arthur LE.
Fall Decay: Piercing light of decay.
Snowflake Prism: Snowy colorful eyes of the gift giving season.(SE)
Necrosight: The sight of those who served as necromancer thralls.
Tier Five-
Calavera Flor: The eye that came with the Muerta LE
Aurora Borealis: The eye that came with the aurora borealis SE
Eye of Odin: The eye that came with the Allfather LE
Honeycomb: The Bombus LE eye.
Vitality Mist: A Chimera Eye Based on the Water Element.
Sonic Scream: A Chimera Eye Based on the Sound Element.
Dark Reaper: A Chimera Eye Based on the Shadow Element.
Shattering Frost: A Chimera Eye Based on the Ice Element.
Blood Sacrifice: A Chimera Eye Based on the Blood Element.
Quicksilver Strike: A Chimera Eye Based on the Metal Element.
Ion Impulse: A Chimera Eye Based on the Magnetism Element.
Cloudsplitter: A Chimera Eye Based on the Lightning Element.
Yin Yang: The Combination of Yin and Yang eyes. (Bloom)
Fireburst: The eye of the Immortal Phoenix LE.
Frostblast: The eye of the Spirit Phoenix LE.
Winterborne: Wintery blue eye from the Winterborne SE
Blue Morpho: Eyes from the Blue Morpho LE.
Eye of Ra: The Unblinking Right Eye of the Nile Guardian LE.
Eye of Horus: The Unwavering Left Eye of the Nile Guardian LE.
Winter Purity: The piercing eyes of the winter spirit. (LE)
Spring Renewal: The warming eyes of the spring spirit. (LE)
Summer Heat: The welcoming eyes of the summer spirit. (LE)
Mistwalker Eye: The white hot eyes of the mist. (LE)
Crimson Dragon: The Crimson eye of the Dragon God.(Bloom)
Dreamsight: The sight of those who have seen the dreamtime.
Dark Fairy: The Eye of Chaos. (LE)
Blood Fairy: The wicked eye of the Blood Fairy. (Wild)
Clockwork: The mechanical eye of the Engineer.
Maori Blue: The deep blue eyes of the Maori Spirit within the leviathan.(LE)
8 Ball: Sight of the ultimate answer.
Bloodlust: Red eyes of burning lust, for blood! (Wild)
Alpha Crucis: Piercing through the southern night is the brightest star in the sky. (SE)
Crystal Guardian: Gaze deep into the crystal eye and see your soul reflected. (LE)
Vengeance Sight: The Eyes of Vengeance. (Pat)
There are currently 5 total Sizes available for the Obsidian Chimeras. The sizes are as follows:
The smallest size of Chimera. This size is noticeably smaller than any other chimera. It Starts off extremely small and will never grow to a size much bigger than a normal sized infant chimera. Pocket is the rarest size chimera.
The former smallest size of Chimera. This size starts off the same as the average sized Chimera, but does not grow as much as they do. This size is the most common size after Average.
The average size Chimera is the baseline for growth and the most common size.
This size Chimera is uncommon and quite large.
This size Chimera is the second rarest size and is extremely large.
There are currently 4 total Natures available for the Obsidian Chimeras. The Natures are as follows:
The base nature and most common nature. This is normal animal behavior for the Chimeras.
Chimeras possesing this nature will exhibit more withdrawn behavior. They will be shy and more reserved. They will also tend to be more defensive in battle. This is a common nature.
A playful Chimera will run around and play with avatars and will be excited around them. Chimeras with this nature will be more erratic during battle. This is an uncommon nature.
The rareset nature for any Chimera, the aggressive chimera will be confrontational to avatars and much more offensive in battle.